New Designs


I love being busy with shows and sewing.  Fall is my favorite time of the year.  However, January through March are always a much needed slower pace.  A nice break to refocus our weekends around the kids.  I can pick up more sub days to get back in the classroom a little bit.

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AND I was able to be more creative for the fun holidays like Valentine’s Day, St. Pat’s, and Easter.  If these holidays fell during the busy season, nothing new would ever be created.  Love having time to get my embroidery machine working!

Here are some of our new designs that have come about from custom orders, customer ideas, or our own minds.  Just a taste of what is new at Little Bug.  More ideas are in the works.

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Meet Our Models…Tommy

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Tommy is our original model.  And our original baby.  He wore the first Little Bug creation.

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Here are some of his favorite things:

Sport:  Baseball

Team:  Kansas City Royals

Player:  Alex Gordon

Color:  Red

Book:  Leonardo the Terrible Monster

Toy:  Legos, bricks, Magnadoodle

Character:  Curious George and Daniel Tiger

Movie:  Despicable Me 2